Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Social Network

I can honestly say that this movie is nothing like any of the movies I have ever seen. I am used to the common chick flick, and the basic comedy, but this movie I actually enjoyed. It was educational and interesting at the same time. A real eye opener. 

I am a user of facebook, but I never got addicted to it. It was always something I had and used but for some reason I just never got addicted. For me it was always a source of information and way to stay connected to people I do not see on a regular basis. I never really thought about how it got started or all that it took to start up and maintain the site in a regular basis. 

For starters I am SO impressed. Usually people underestimate the geeks- but in this case the roles were reversed and the geeks ruled. It was the jocks (prestigious olympic rowers and their friend) that depended on the geeks to upstart their site. They had the idea but essentially they didn't have the brains or the mental resources to stand behind their idea and bring it to fruition. 

I was amazed at the whole process of how the site started. To begin I thought that his honesty and truthfulness for all the sites he began beforehand was something else. He could have easily sold one of his sites to Microsoft but he didn't-- he uploaded for free. Then he started friendsmash on the night that he broke up with his girlfriend. He did this drunk in one night while blogging at the time. And to top it all off he crashed the Harvard server-- that is no easy feat! This guy is clearly a genius! He created a site that has nearly taken over the world!! 

Another aspect of the movie that seriously fascinated me was the business aspect of the configuration of the site. It started out as a great idea and then cascaded into this HUGE business (currently worth 2 billion dollars). To me that is amazing! An idea that literally started in the dorm room of a few geeky guys (granted they were in Harvard but still...) and now this kid is a billion air! Just goes to show you that no idea is to small. We should all reach for the stars and NEVER let other people take advantage of you or your ideas. You never know what will be a hit and it is always worth a shot! Also another lesson that I learned is to never stop trying. No matter how bad you think it is and no matter how many people are breathing down your back. He was fighting multiple lawsuits and he didn't give up and he didn't let them get him down. He kept on moving and doing his thing. This is what you need to do in the business world - keep on moving no matter who gets in the way and keep your mind in the game and you will succeed in the end. Sometimes there are bumps in the road, but don't let that stop you, you never know you could be the next big thing!! 

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