Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Progress on WIKI project

Although I have not actually contributed to the WIKI page yet, I have been doing research and collecting data. I will be contributing to the business of social networking aspect. How does social networking play a role in the business world.

PR and Marketing - social networking is a god sent blessing for PR an marketing. Social networking makes getting the word out - and idea, a concept, an advertisement - anything or anything - it spreads the news and it spreads it fast. Not only fast, it is also easy and cheap!

In a more broad sense, social networking is good fro business. it is a good way to reach out to your customers and your clientele. See what they like and dislike about your product or service. Again, it is a fast, easy, and cheap way to connect with your clients.

In addition, it is also good for internal affairs. It is good way to keep all employees in a big company together. Keep them knowledgeable of what is going on throughout the entire company not only in their department.

The impacts and the way that social networking is used in the business world fascinates me. Its taking something that is normally thought of as a social tool and turns it into a business tool. Its amazing!!

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