Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blogs vs. Wikis

Compare and contrast blogs and wikis. 
Blogs are similar to publishing. One person posts their ideas, feelings, knowledge, etc for others to read. Therefore, there is limited collaboration - its not open for anyone and everyone to edit and contribute to. 
This is a way that someone can states their voice, create an identity for themselves, take control of a topic, etc. 
It is a good alternative to a personal webpage because ti takes less technical knowledge and is much easier to use. Can even easily link to webpages and even other blogs. 
A common use of blogs today i sin the entertainment industry (prime example Perez Hilton). New innovative way to spread celebrity gossip. New media (blogging) is effecting the traditional way of spreading celebrity gossip - which was magazines! This is further discussed in the article: Celebrity Blogs: The Impact of New Media: (http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/26280/celebrity_blogs_the_impact_of_new_media.html)
Wikis - the 3 C's: Communication, Collaboration, and community. 
Communication - everyone can easily contribute making it a collaborative page. You can tweak and adapt the page to your needs. making it even easier. 
Collaboration - you can create a specific page and make it open to whomever you want, creating a large knowledge base. Lends itself to good technical support and easy idea generation. 
Community - not centralized control - everyone has equal control. 

Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world. 
Technologies are continuously growing and expanding - combining different things and making things multitask. For example a cell phone - which used to be just that a phone, is now also a messaging device, web browser, calendar, etc. 
TOday we are always once step ahead of ourselves, looking for the next new thing that will make our lives that much "easier" - we ask for convergence and accept it with open arms. 
How can blogs be used for collaboration? 

Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?
I am not sure if this has been done yet or not, but voice notes and videos can be shared on wiki also. it is a good way to share information and knowledge. Add visual and sound effects. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Project Description

The topic I have chosen for my paper is: 
IMPACT. Examine a particular area / discipline in which the new media have had an impact.  How have the new media affected this area? How is this area likely to be affected in the near future? 

Is technology improving our social lives or blindly taking ours away? 

Technology is impacting and penetrating almost every aspect of our lives. New media and social networking devices are starting to affect our generations social and communication skills. 

The next time you are at a restaurant, take a look around and find a table that consists of younger people (age rand 18-30). Notice how most of them will have their cell phones, PDAs, blackberries, iphones, etc out on the table in the middle of the meal. Texting, emailing, and even answering phone calls in the middle of the meal while they are trying to carry on a conversation with their friends, family, acquaintances. Can they not put their phone away for that short amount of time while they are at the restaurant? 
Lets take a party scene- say a sweet sixteen or a 21st birthday bash. How many people are on the sidelines on their cell phones? Or even worse, ignoring the people that are talking to them, not socializing with the people at the party, because they are so consumed by their communication device. 
To take it one step further, more and more kids are getting cell phones at even younger ages. How will they be acting and behaving? Will they ever get the chance to be free of their cell? 

Unfortunately, it is not only cell phones and other handheld communication devices that are affecting todays generation, its also social networking sites such a facebook, twitter, and other online communication sites. People become so obsessed and consumed by these sites that they end up loosing touch with the actual people. They will have hundreds, maybe even thousands of friends on facebook, they will twitter a thousand tweets a day, but when was the last time they had a substantial conversation with one of their friends face to face? We are becoming so accustomed to communicating online that we are slowly forgetting what it means to confront a person face to face. 

Describe New Media

What kinds of technologies are examples of new media? 
Some examples of new media include, but of course are not limited to: ebooks, hypertext, wikipedia, blogs, mashups, ezines, podcasts, full TV episodes available on the internet, forums, VOIP, youtube, flickr, picasa, and the list goes on and on and is constantly changing with every passing day. 
- These examples of NEW media are equivalent to OLD media: books, journalism, music, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, telephones, film, and even photography. 

How do we distinguish “new media” from “old” media?
New media is a reinvention of old media. A way of essentially doing the same thing but in a new more technologically sophisticated manner. For example new media would be reading an ebook on your ipad, while old media would be going to the library and taking out your favorite hardcover novel. 

Michael Jackson: how celebrity gossip site TMZ got scoop of the decade
This article is a good example of the difference between new media and old media, and societies struggle with accepting new media over old media. 
TMZ online gossip site = New Media
Los Angeles Times = Old Media 
In this case, gossip readers were hesitant to believe the news of Michael Jackson's passing from the TMZ site. They were unsure of their credibility and reliability. Interestingly enough, only a few minutes later, they somberly accepted the news from the LA Times; a more established and credible newspaper. 
Honestly, I have to say that I probably would have done the same. When reading most of these gossip columns and blogs online I am hesitant to believe much of what I am reading. Although TMZ is a credible site that is backed by TIme Warner, people are more comfortable going the conventional route and trusting the LA times when it comes to bigger stories and more serious news.